Children’s Tonic

Safe, nutritive tonic for children. Use for colds, runny noses and general crankiness. It can be taken straight or diluted with distilled water for tea. Can be used as a base for Valerian or other strong tasting herbal extracts when making teething formulas.

½ oz Lemon Balm leaves
¼ oz powdered Licorice root
½ oz Chamomile flowers
½ oz Red Raspberry leaves
½ oz Catnip leaves and flowers
½ oz ground Fennel seeds
½ oz ground Rosehips
1 pint vegetable glycerin
11 oz distilled water

Mix glycerin and water, add to powdered herbs and mix well. Cap container tightly and agitate daily for 14 days. Strain, press and store in amber bottles.

Here is a similar recipe that is much thicker and does not need to sit for 2 weeks. It can be mixed with filtered water if needed.

Children’s Tonic II

1 tablespoon each:

Red Raspberry leaves
Alfalfa leaves and flowers
Lemon Balm
Rose hips
Chamomile flowers
Anise seed
Honey or glycerin

Grind all herbs in coffee grinder, sift and measure. Remove any rose seeds. Stir in honey or glycerin until pasty. Make it thick enough that it won’t drop from a spoon easily. It will harden with age.

Store in an opaque jar and give a teaspoonful as needed for colds or runny noses.